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Women Protection Center

It was established in 2011 to ensure the protection of battered women in the Emirate of Sharjah, and to provide them with a decent life, make them aware of their rights and enable them to live independently and with dignity through:



Sheltering a battered or subjected to violence woman in a safe place that meets her needs to protect her psyche and face her circumstances and problems in order to return to a better life while preserving the integrity of her family.


Providing specialized support to women and girls who are victims of violence and ensuring their safety through follow-up, providing family counseling and ensuring the successful reintegration of their families.


"Protecting Women in Sharjah": Openness and the absence of a sense of responsibility are the cause of family problems... Our role does not end with solving them

“The magic word for resolving disputes and avoiding their occurrence, present or future, is the family.” With these words, the social worker Fatima Al-Shehhi, who has been working for 11 years in the field of dealing with violent cases of women and girls in the Women’s Protection Center of the Department of Social Services, summarized

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