The “Rahma” service, which was launched by the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, is aptly named, as it addresses individuals who are in urgent need of assistance and to obtain medical and nursing services through units that start every morning and include doctors and nurses who look at their health condition and their needs for medications as well as Periodic checks are conducted. The beneficiaries are the elderly, people with disabilities, and mentally ill citizens and residents of the Emirate of Sharjah. According to Kholoud Al Ali, Director of the Elderly Services Center - one of the centers affiliated with the Department of Social Services in Sharjah - the case numbers are not fixed because they increase every month or decrease in one case due to... Death and “Rahma” services are provided to women, men, and people with disabilities. "Mercy" The “Rahma” service was launched in 2017, and the individual obtains it under the following conditions: that he must be a citizen, hold a family book from the Emirate of Sharjah and reside there, and be 18 years of age or older unless he is without social care, and that he must be bedridden and registered in medical records among the cases. Clinical report based on tube feeding, bronchial breathing, or artificial respiration, and that the medical report issued by the Ministry of Health and Community proves his need for temporary or permanent service, and that the family income is 17500 dirhams and less, and that insurance does not cover home nursing service, and it also requires the family’s approval for periodic and field follow-up. For the service seeker. Regarding how to obtain “Rahma,” one must first call 800700, the department’s main line, and register for the “Rahma” service among those affiliated with the department. After that, a team from the department will contact the family in order to prepare a medical report on the patient’s condition and a To Whom It May Concern certificate from the center’s doctor. The report is then submitted to the Department’s Home Nursing Committee to ensure that the conditions are met and whether the request is approved or not. A medical decision on the case is issued and submitted to the nursing companies that we deal with, which are “Home Nursing Visits” and “Al-Hol Care.” Nursing service “Rahma” is a 24-hour nursing service, or as required by the medical condition. The service continues until the feeding tube is removed from the patient, otherwise the nurse remains with the patient. The director of the Elderly Services Center indicates that the cost of one nurse is 18 thousand according to the system. 24 hours, and if another nurse is added, 6000 dirhams are added, so the total is 24. However, if the nurse is on a 12-hour shift, the cost is 10000 dirhams. The service is provided in two shifts, morning and evening, and her duties are to stay with the patient, do physical therapy, give medication, and monitor him. 9 units Kholoud Al Ali goes on to say that among the tasks entrusted to the Elderly Services Center are the home care units, which number 9 units that provide daily services at the emirate level. The unit consists of a social worker, a therapist, a physical therapist, and a nurse. The units serve groups of psychiatric patients, the elderly, and people with disabilities. The physical therapy service is the most in demand, as the number of field visits reaches 15-20 daily. Services also include examining the environment surrounding the elderly person and ensuring that the place is clean and properly ventilated, in addition to conducting laboratory tests. The important thing is that home care units provide self-care services, issuing identification documents, and accompanying appointments, not to mention providing 3 daily meals, taking into account the diseases that the elderly suffer from and the foods that suit his health condition. The influenza vaccine is also given annually at the beginning of the year. Winter season, in addition to many and varied services, including providing medical supplies such as diapers, sheets, and insulin needles for diabetics, as well as bandages, feeding tubes, and catheter bags. Staff Field visits For her part, Dr. Ahlam Mohammed Al Marzouqi, a general physician at the center, who is responsible for examining patients and visiting them on a regular and daily basis according to the patient’s condition, said. She is one of 4 doctors who make daily field visits to patients throughout the Emirate of Sharjah. Our duties lie in examining the patient in the areas affiliated with the Emirate of Sharjah.