Since the beginning of the academic year, school awareness campaigns have been launched, which are carried out by the Social Education Department in the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, with a new framework, as the social education specialist affiliated with the Department no longer provides awareness consultations in the classroom. Rather, the Department decided to provide consultations during the morning assembly so that the benefit may spread to all students. And not just a part of them. Maryam Al-Qaseer explains this trend as benefiting everyone, saying, “At the beginning of each academic year, we receive requests from schools wishing to obtain advice and awareness about a specific topic or related to a national or official occasion. The social education specialist used to go from one class to another, but the benefit was not widespread.” All students, so we decided to provide consultations, especially those related to raising awareness among students during the morning assembly, so that the benefit would spread to all students and not to classes in which the number of students is 20, while the number of students in the morning assembly ranges between 700 and 1000 students. Therefore, I direct social intellectuals to go to schools in the morning before they come to school and provide knowledge and awareness sessions during the morning assembly. Al Quseir stated that the number of educational programs provided by the administration this year, 2023, reached 3628, and 100932 people benefited from them, distributed in the Sharjah area and its affiliated areas, Ras Al Khaimah, and Ajman. This falls under the heading of educational services, public awareness services, and preventive education services, for individuals, institutions, and partners. In addition to specialized training services for employees and intellectuals, in addition to guidance and awareness services and raising the level of knowledge in the regions. The Social Education Department develops protection and prevention programs for families and children, which aim to raise and build community awareness of ways to protect against dangerous situations and threats, through various programs and events with effective preventive and protective inputs.