"From Protection to Empowerment" is the motto of the Women's Protection Center affiliated to the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, which is one of the first centers for the protection and care of battered women in the country, whether a woman or a girl, and provides accommodation services in addition to the social, psychological and legal counseling service provided through the main line For the department 800700. Maryam Ismail, Director of the Center, indicates that 187 cases have been received since the establishment of the Center in 2011 until the end of last July, and currently there are 8 cases. The message of the Center since its establishment in 2011 is to provide a decent life for women in the Emirate of Sharjah. The mechanisms and conditions of shelter and Ismail’s evaluation of this period are as follows: Over a decade and a half, the perception of the center, its role, and its tasks developed. Her husband, her society and her habits, and this concept was wrong because the center does not aim to attract and shelter the woman and keep her away from her family. Rather, there are mechanisms for our work and several steps that must be applied in order for the woman to remain in the center, and the most prominent of these conditions is that the woman submits a report either through the police or through social support. What confirms that she has actually been subjected to violence or that her condition is in danger, then she is accommodated in the center until the time of resolving the dispute between her and her husband or her family, for example, and her stay in the center may be limited to one day or a few hours, or it may last for weeks and months, depending on the size of the problem. And Ismail adds: Our work in the center to fix the relationship and the existing problem is not only with the woman, but rather the two parties are subject to advice and guidance. With the family of the case or the husband, partially and then completely, after ensuring the integrity of the merger. Most of the problems that come to us may have their beginnings related to the case itself, but with the work of sessions and dialogue, we find the hidden influence of the family and its role in shaping her life and reaching what it is. Difference is natural and follows the director of the center, the difference in cases that were in the past and today is a natural matter, especially with the passage of years, and the most important thing is the technical revolution and dealing with invisible but virtual beings and allowing them to interfere in our affairs and our privacy through social networking sites and addiction This led to new models of social, marital, and family problems, while the prevailing problems were marital problems such as violence and beatings, or the existence of legal cases for or being a prisoner, or for not shouldering his financial responsibilities and not spending on his children, and so on, and with time and because of openness The old and the extra, the problems began to take on a different character, and we also started dealing with new groups that we did not see in the center, and here I mean the cases of girls who wanted to settle on their own or, for example, one of them wanted to be associated with a person and her family did not agree with him, which led to conflict and violence leading to the police , which referred the girl to the center, and another example, if the girl escaped from her home, and upon her return or arrest, her family refuses to receive her. Mental illnesses, and the director of the Women’s Protection Center goes on to list some of the new cases, saying, “One of the stories we experienced at the center is that one of the husbands was always beating his wife and accusing her of many things such as treason, which prompted her to go to the police who transferred her to the center after she was beaten several times, and after consultations During meetings and examinations, we discovered that the husband suffers from mental illnesses, which makes him vulnerable to unreal fantasies, delusions, and hallucinations. He was referred to specialized doctors who prescribed appropriate medications for his condition, and things returned to normal with his wife and her return to her home. Openness And she goes on to say, in my opinion, that the reason for the existence of new types of problems is due to the degree of great openness to various cultures that our society and Arab societies as a whole have witnessed and are witnessing, which is caused by social media platforms that are open 24/24 hours, and are not regulated or prohibited, and which spread their poison among the younger generation and corrupt Their minds, so he took advantage of this occasion and went to the family and the mother to monitor their children and know who they communicate with, because many cases that passed through the center were caused by websites. Thus, the mother is required more than the man to approach her children, embrace them, and deal with them in a friendly way, and to act as a friend to them so that they can comfort her with any problem they encounter. Strengthening religious faith and in order to avoid losing the family, the woman and the mother in particular should not waste her time and the time of her family in using the mobile phone, and this matter is one of the fundamental causes of marital disputes first and family disputes second, as she wastes her time on the phone and is not ready to respond to the requests of her husband and children, which in turn led to Family disintegration and the tendency of family members, especially children, to search for someone who cares for them and listens to their demands, and the easiest way for them is chatting platforms and chasing fashion (fashionista) and other harmful things. Among the painful issues are issues related to harassment by a member of the family, so we must ask the parents to strengthen the religious faith from a young age so that some do not fall in love with such matters, and link them to customs, traditions and favors, and we must know how to live and coexist properly without problems. negative effects and projections.