The "Intaj" center of the Department of Social Services in Sharjah is keen to organize training and technical courses and workshops for the center's 785 members, all of whom are beneficiaries of the department's social security, and from all branches. The workshops aim to hone the skills of the members in the field they wish to specialize in, as the center knew the requests and desires of the members in the workshops they wish to join, navigate in it and refine their talents, in addition to seeing what is new. 5 training workshops per month, according to Maryam Al Hammadi, director of the Intaj Center, based on the members’ suggestions and desires, two workshops are set each month, and coordination with partners, where the center organizes 5 training workshops per month, which are in person and sometimes remotely, and subscription is available to all members , according to their specializations provided by the center. The packages consist of the "Tayeb" package for incense and perfumes, the "Atayeb" package for food, the "Creativity" package for handicrafts, the "Anaqa" package for fashion and accessories, and the "Mahra" package for traditional crafts. An additional special workshop entitled "Privileges of Accreditation License" was organized and presented by the Department of Economic Development. Cooperation and coordination was also agreed with the International Chef Center specialized in training and teaching the basics of cooking to present a workshop in the Levantine kitchen, a three-dimensional art painting workshop in cooperation with the Al-Thameed Ladies Club, and the "Rezon" design workshop in cooperation and agreement with the Hamriyah Ladies Club, in addition to a workshop in the art of detailing and sewing. Noting that all programs are free and sponsored by the Intaj Center, and the monthly workshops aim to provide opportunities for all families registered to support home production to help them improve their conditions by creating additional material income, in addition to the assistance they receive from the department. The center also aims to rehabilitate and train beneficiaries Social security in the department on home production, providing opportunities to market beneficiaries’ products and services through exhibitions, participations and outlet agreements, improving the level of products to raise their competitiveness to meet the needs of the local market, and offering competitive quality products and services bearing the “Entaj” brand. Since the establishment of the center in 2010; It promotes the idea of ​​home production because of its opportunities to increase the income of families benefiting from social assistance in the department and to empower them, to lead them to independence and a decent life, and to encourage self-sufficiency, through an integrated system provided by the center aimed at training and rehabilitating families benefiting from social assistance, and providing opportunities To market its products through organizing exhibitions, and to work on improving products to raise their competitiveness, in order to meet the needs of the local market and to offer branded products and services of competitive quality.