Intaj Center of the Department of Social Services in Sharjah revealed that it has implemented a package of rehabilitation and training programs, and 1442 training services have been provided to members and hone their skills in home production. Execution of major projects. As mentioned by Maryam Al Hammadi, director of the Intaj Center, the participation of the center’s members in exhibitions and activities amounted to about 466, according to the statistics of mid-2021. The “Intaj” center aims to support productive families through marketing their products by providing outlets for sale to various members of society for the benefit of them. One of the most effective matters is that the production center provided members with obtaining a home license known as “accreditation” granted by the Sharjah Economic Department to individuals for home production.The number of these licenses has reached 85, since its inception in 2010, and the aim of the production center is to support home production for the families members of the center Those who are eligible for social security in the department, in order to have a second income other than the social security they receive, and also to market their various products that belong to the family, women, children and society, all of which enhances their economic and material conditions, and also encourages other families to practice some crafts to improve their material income. It contributes to the development of home production and its entry into the market through various means, which is positively reflected on it with a financial return that supports it in upgrading these projects, in order to achieve the principle of social solidarity.