During the first half of this year, the Child and Family Protection Center received about 729 reports, varying between urgent and non-urgent reports. Amina Al-Refai, Director of the Child and Family Protection Center, explained that the role played by the center is to rescue children and those who are missing from social care reported by various means, to ensure that they enjoy all their rights, to provide counseling services to them and their families, and to provide a decent, safe and violence-free life, in addition to many goals. Which the Child and Family Protection Center works to achieve through specialized, carefully studied and developed programs, through which experts in this field are sought, and training courses are conducted for the specialized work team. Child interest Amina Al-Rifai adds that the center provides specialized psychological support for children and those without social care who have been abused or through assessment, counseling, and rehabilitation programs with the aim of erasing the effects of abuse, treating their psyche and modifying their behavior. We also believe in the rights of the child, which should not be violated or deprived of, so we work to ensure the rights of children and those without social care by securing their unsecured rights and issuing identification papers for them, the right to education, health and legal representation of the child and ensuring the proper implementation of the provisions related to them issued by the court and special their rights to ensure their stability in society. The helpline is the 800700 helpline, which is dedicated to all categories of people without social care, including children at risk, abuse or abuse of all kinds. The line aims to protect those without social care by providing an easy tool to report cases of abuse and provide them with protection by removing abuse and danger, removing its effects, and spreading A culture of children's rights and social welfare and respect for their rights. This is done by receiving and receiving the reports of the missing persons of social care who are at risk, abuse or assault, and responding to all the reports received by the line after classifying them and determining the severity of the situation to which the case is exposed and the required remedial or preventive intervention and taking the necessary protection measures to ensure that the case enjoys all its rights or referring it internally or externally. Customer Happiness On the other hand, Noura Ibrahim Al Qaseer, Head of Customer Happiness Department at the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, revealed that family relations problems among children are the most common in the reports received on the department's main line, followed by abuse and violence. Al-Qusair stated that the reports are made urgent and not urgent, and the child's helpline receives the reports 24 hours a day, noting that the one who reports regarding children's problems, usually the report is from the school that notices any change in the child's behavior or the presence of bruises on his body, and from She has the right to report in this case, and sometimes the notification is through neighbors who hear screaming or crying, and it is possible that the amount is a family member or a parent. The means of communication are the best, and about the impact of social media on awareness, the Head of the Customer Happiness Department confirms that among all the educational and awareness-raising procedures and campaigns, especially directed at children, social media comes at the forefront, but rather among the most successful of them, because it is available to all families, and children are very accepting of it, and it is It serves as an important educational tool for the child, in addition to educational campaigns in schools that reach a large number of children.