The Family Forum Center of the Department of Social Services in Sharjah revealed; About 292 external visions were implemented through homes, to enable separated parents to see children without coming to the center, in support of the series of preventive measures that the government directed to follow in order to preserve the safety and health of employees, children and their families. And detailed; Fayza Hassan Khabab, Director of the Family Forum Center, explained; That during the first half of the year 2020 AD, the center achieved about 1013 family sessions to see children for separated families; Of 721 visions within the center's perimeter, while 292 external visions were implemented across homes since the beginning of the current health crisis of the Coronavirus, when the Permanent Committee for the Care of Children without Social Care directed this to be approved. Khabab mentioned that seeing separated families for children takes place through homes away from the Family Forum Center, which contributes to strengthening national efforts in protecting against the threat of the Coronavirus and protecting children and employees, as the center performs during this period its coordinating and supervising role on household external meetings so that no Violation of the agreement between the two parties of the interest, especially since the center is the guarantor of the preservation of the agreement signed between the separated. 159 electronic vision and 159 electronic vision has been implemented for the inmates of the Punitive and Correctional Institution in Sharjah Police, whether inside or outside the country, as the electronic vision allows the child to see one of his parents from Through the technical systems for visual communication through an electronic platform from within the penal and correctional institution, pointing out that this initiative is one of the mechanisms that the Social Services Department has launched since 2017, to ensure the protection of the child and enable him to see one of his parents in a safe environment. Note that the center before the Corona crisis; Dozens of children were received daily to enable them to realize their rights in the parental vision, as the center represented an ideal tool for achieving and implementing the provisions of the separate parents ’vision. Lean, and reduce the social problems that the child is exposed to as a result of the separation of parents, as well as preserving the psyche of children and their parents, through the center, as it is primarily aimed at avoiding the exposure of children to any setback due to vision problems and preparing their proper investigation to reach the level of awareness and transfer the vision to the environment Natural, which is the home away from any phenomena that affect the child's psyche.