The Social Services Department branch in Al Hamriya concluded the activities of the Eighth Hamriya Children's Festival, which was organized during the period from 19 to 30 December of 2019, by attracting many visitors during the days of the festival, which contributed to achieving entertainment and joy in the hearts of the people of the region due to the momentum and diversity of its activities. The festival was organized in the Hamriyah Heritage Village in the Emirate of Sharjah. Maryam Majed Al Shamsi, Director of the Social Services Department in Al Hamriya, Head of the Festival Committee, confirmed that the festival’s activities witnessed the participation of 24 governmental and private entities, and the festival also included 11 pillars represented in: The "Let us go to space" pillar is an initiative to encourage children towards the state's orientation within its space projects, as well as the Tolerance Pillar entitled "We Tolerance to Creativity", where the most important meanings and values ​​of tolerance were embodied in the hearts of children. The festival also included the implementation of 30 workshops and artistic works that rooted the values ​​of tolerance and its national values. In addition to the "House of Popular Games" platform, through which it aims to revive the ancient folk games, consolidate the ancient heritage of parents and grandparents and protect it from extinction, as well as the cornerstone of educational programs; Through this, 24 awareness programs were provided with the aim of instilling moral and behavioral values ​​in children. The festival also included a volunteer corner to register visitors to the festival on the volunteer platform of the Social Services Department, where it included 20 volunteers, in addition to the participation of 8 youth projects in order to encourage and support children who are project owners, in addition to the entertainment games corner that included 5 entertainment shows, the theater corner, and the horse corner, And museums on the way. The festival also included the participation of 24 productive families to include various products from handicrafts, accessories, perfumes, incense, and popular foods. The festival is also an opportunity to encourage families to enter the labor market, and achieve self-sufficiency to reach independence and a decent life in order to achieve the department's goals for a decent life and raising the standard of living. It is noteworthy that the festival included various paragraphs from the parties supporting the festival, including institutions, institutions, schools, some competitions, heritage paragraphs and folk dances, and the Sharjah Police General Command participated in the festival by presenting the band performance. Al Shamsi, head of the festival committee, expressed her happiness with the great success that the festival has attained, noting that it provided an opportunity for the productive families to display their products and work and educate the public through competitions and educational workshops and family members to spend an enjoyable time full of entertainment and fun, and she was also crowned with great thanks to all Participating bodies, organizers and volunteers who had a significant impact on the success of the Hamriya Eighth Festival for the child.