The Department of Social Services in Sharjah invites all practitioners of social professions in Sharjah to obtain a professional license that enables them to practice various social professions; by submitting their files to obtain a license document that allows them to do so, this came after the adoption of the internal regulations that explain the Executive Council Resolution No. (17) 2018 regarding the regulation of social professions in Sharjah. According to the executive regulations issued by the Social Services Department, a deadline will be given to all practitioners and social professionals to correct or lose them within a period not exceeding a year starting from the date of October 27, 2019, in order to avoid the violations, fines and penalties determined by the executive decision, in order to provide services according to the best Safe standards and practices, ensuring the competence of social professionals. The licensing document is granted after verification of and verification of scientific certificates, professional licenses and work experience certificates from the relevant authorities, and all official documents for professionals licensed or wishing to obtain a professional license for social services, while university degrees are required, and they have legal capacity, and must pass Assessment tests, in addition to professional experience. Introductory workshops and visits to shed light on the social professions .. The social professions include the various social services represented in the social specialist, the psychological specialist, the occupational therapy specialist, the applied behavior therapist, and the teacher of special education, during which the Social Licensing Department will hold a number of introductory workshops on licensing Professional professions for social professions in the emirate of Sharjah to clarify the requirements and procedures for obtaining the license, and the provisions of the executive regulations for the mechanisms for organizing social professions. The team will also visit institutions working in the governmental and private social fields, to shed light The importance of professional licensing. Receiving applications electronically .. In a statement to her, Khouloud Al-Nuaimi, Director of the Department of Social Licensing in the department, stated that the department receives requests for applicants to obtain licenses to practice social professions via the electronic requests link located through the department's website www The Director of the Department of Social Licensing indicated that the project for licensing the practice of social professions aims to regulate the services of social professions through licensing the social sector and upgrading it to advanced levels of quality and safety, in a manner that guarantees the protection of individuals as well as the general interest of society, in addition to monitoring the level of quality of the service provided and ensuring Having well qualified professionals to handle diverse social situations. This enhances the customer’s feeling of reassurance that he is in safe professional hands; fully qualified to provide social services in accordance with the best standards and practices, adding that given the importance of professional licensing as he works at the level of the emirate of Sharjah, the department will be entitled to all documents and documents of various kinds that include certificates Scientific and professional licenses and work experience certificates from the concerned authorities.