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Request to provide an amount of money to the beneficiary

  • Service details
  • Fill out the application form
  • Follow up the order status
  • This service allows the guardian to submit a request to disburse a sum of money from the account of the interdicted from those who are registered in the guardians registry, who are citizens of the state residing in the emirate or those sponsored by the department based on a decision of the competent court, in order to provide the necessary needs of the trustee from his money.
  • people (dealers)
  • Your website
  • 4 working days
  1. Smart login.
  2. Fill out the required information on the application form
  3. Follow up the order status through my order list

  • Emirates ID card number
  • The presence of a court decision appointing him a guardian of the interdicted.
  • The application must be submitted by the guardian, trustee or agent only.
  • That he undertakes to provide the correct data and disclose the information required for the case study.

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