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Issuing permits for social events


Service details


Efficacy data


Outcomes of the success of the event


Speakers, artists, event coordinators and participants



  • A service provided by associations and private institutions that have been declared by the Ministry of Community Development and authorized by the Department of Social Services in Sharjah to hold events and programs or participate in them inside or outside the country, taking into account obtaining administrative approvals from designated government agencies.
  • Non-profit civil society organizations (associations and institutions).
  •  website  
  • The permit application must be submitted 21 days before the date of residence and the response must be received within 21 days
  • Register via the website and fill out the required information 
  • Checking the request 
  • Study the request
  • Attaching by the civil society organization a letter of no objection from the concerned authorities   for example 
  • A no-objection letter must be obtained from the entities participating in the events 
  • The Department may request an additional No Objection Letter (depending on the effectiveness). If the event requires obtaining other approvals, the entity requesting the permit will be informed of that
  • Issuing approval or apology for the request and sending it via email 

  • List of speakers, artists, event coordinators, copy of passport, valid ID card, and personal photos 
  •   CVs of speakers, artists and event coordinators and a copy of a valid passport and ID card 
  • Fill out the introduction document for lecturers 
  • A copy of the event’s marketing materials
  • A summary of the event, including the objectives, agenda, organizers, participating parties, sponsors, and budget
  • A copy of the no-objection letter from the relevant government agencies, if required
  • Any documents required by the department 
  • Obtaining prior written approval from the entity in the event of organizing or participating in conferences, seminars, meetings, lectures, or any events inside or outside the country.
  • The application for the permit must be submitted twenty-one (21) days before the date of its residence
  • Obtaining a no-objection letter from the relevant authorities
  • The association or civil institution must be authorized by the Department of Social Services

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