- Service details
- Fill out the application form
- Follow up the order status
- It is a service available for governmental and semi-government agencies to request the nomination of productive families from members of the Production Center to participate in events and events
- Department services beneficiaries + affiliated homes
- Production center and subsidiary branches
- Through the department's website
- 3 watches
- Administrative Decision No. 228 of 2016 regarding a production center
- Coordination with the party and the beneficiaries to determine the time and place
- sign in.
- Fill out the application form
- Follow up the status of the request.
- UAE citizen with a summary of registration issued by the Emirate of Sharjah
- Permanent resident in the emirate
- Has less or equal income to help affairs
- He does not have property or licenses with financial return
- To be a beneficiary from the Social Services Department