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Production center membership application

  • Service details
  • Fill out the application form
  • Follow up the order status
  • It is a request to register beneficiaries of social security in a way that allows them to participate in exhibitions and events and obtain appropriate qualification and training to bring them to a decent life and create a permanent source of income 

  • Social security beneficiaries
  • Residents of social care homes

  • website 
  • 24 years
  • Executive Council Resolution No. 22 of 2014 regarding exempting beneficiaries of social assistance from half of the approval license fees
  1. Fill out an online membership application form
  2. Study the application by the competent committee
  3. Issuing the committee's decision
  1. sign in.
  2. Update personal data on your profile.
  3. Fill out the required information on the application form
  4. Follow up the order status through my order list

  1. A copy of the valid ID
  2. Photograph
  3. Accreditation license from the Department of Economic Development
  • The productive family must be registered in the department
  • Obtaining an accreditation license from the Department of Economic Development
  • Approve and sign policies and procedures related to the center

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