- Service details
- Fill out the application form
- Follow up the order status
- It is to submit a request to embrace a child of unknown parentage or who has lost social care in order to take care of him in an alternative family for his proper social upbringing.
- people (dealers)
- The department's website
- 14 working days
- Federal Law No. 1 of 2012 regarding unknown parentage
- Federal Law No. (3/2016) Concerning the Rights of the Child "Wadima"
- Local Law No. 6 of 2020 on Social Welfare
- Emiri Decree establishing the Children's Social Care Home No. (37) of 2006
- Submit an application electronically
- Dealing with the application and completing the required documents
- Conduct a social study of the applicant by a social worker
- Submit the application to the Higher Committee for Children Deprived of Social Welfare for decision, either by approval, rejection or suspension
- Responding to the applicant with the committee’s decision
- sign in.
- Checking the Emirati identity registered in the department.
- Confirm the mobile phone number registered in the beneficiary file with the department.
- Receive the application for the statement via e-mail.
- Emirates ID card
- The advanced family must be a citizen with a family consensus
- The family has a good financial income that can support the child and also have a good home
- Age is required for unmarried citizenship, not to be under the age of 35