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The agenda

09:30:00 21/11/2019

Workshop organizing social professions in the Emirate of Sharjah

The aim of the workshop is to introduce the mechanisms of licensing social professions, which were organized by Executive Council Resolution No. 17 of 2018, and the workshop will focus on clarifying the controls and services of licensing the social sector and upgrading it to advanced levels of quality and safety in a manner that guarantees the protection of individuals as well as the public interest of society in addition to monitoring the level of The quality of the service provided and ensuring the presence of well-qualified professionals to deal with various social cases, which enhances the customer’s feeling of reassurance that he is in honest professional hands fully qualified to provide social services in accordance with the best standards and practices. The workshop will address the following topics: Clarification of Executive Council Resolution No. 17 of 2018 regarding licenses Social professional The executive regulations governing the licensing of social professions Respond to inquiries and suggestions of institutions and individuals to whom the decision will apply

Palace of Culture

16:00:00 12/12/2019

XNUMXth Suburbs Festival in Mleiha

Participation of the department by providing: educational programs, entertainment competitions, and public awareness

The Heritage Village in Mleiha

16:30:00 28/10/2020

Fifth Production Bazaar (Sharjah City)

The exhibition is held annually, to support productive families in marketing their products and introducing them to consumers, and to provide outlets for selling those products that bring them financial returns that support them in upgrading these projects and raising their standard of living.

Department of Social Services

16:00:00 12/12/2020

Subhi Festival 9

Participation of the department by providing educational programs and entertainment competitions

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16:00:00 06/06/2020

The XNUMXth Al-Nahda Cultural Heritage Festival

Consolidating the concept of originality and strengthening the Emirati identity - educating people about the role of the department in child protection

Al Lisaili Association - Marmoom Dubai

08:00:00 30/09/2021

The XNUMXth Seniors Services Forum

The forum aims to exchange experiences with international bodies regarding empowerment initiatives and programs that achieve the effective participation of the elderly.

Jewels Hall

09:00:00 13/12/2020

Camp "Hassad" 16

This camp is organized by the Department of Community Cohesion of the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, which seeks to attract and motivate volunteer children to instill the values ​​of volunteer work in them.

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10:00:00 30/11/2020

اليوم الوعني

On this day, the department is keen to organize various activities to celebrate the National Day, with a focus on involving the department’s employees in all groups, especially elderly parents as well as children.

Department of Social Services

09:00:00 24/02/2020

Rakaez Forum 2020

An initiative to promote values ​​and behavior, consolidate the values ​​of citizenship and confront extraneous behaviors

Al Jawaher Center for Events and Conferences

08:00:00 12/12/2021

Camp "Harvest" 18

This camp is organized by the Department of Community Cohesion of the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, which seeks to attract and motivate volunteer children to instill the values ​​of volunteer work in them. Output: 200 children participate, subtract 12 values


08:00:00 28/04/2018

Labor Day Celebration

Allocating an entertainment day for employment in the department in the city of Kalba Coordination with Human Resources - Sumaya Al Shamsi - Volunteer Center


08:00:00 18/04/2018

Participation in the Sharjah Children's Reading Festival

Workshops - Education - Accompanying affiliates - Competitions - Distribution of gifts to participants - Drawing - Salem and safety

Expo Sharjah

17:00:00 20/11/2018

Eastern Production Bazaar

Production exhibition My craft - educational and scientific workshops, Fashion show competitions, Game corner

Eastern Region

09:00:00 31/03/2019

harvest camp(9)

Implementation of volunteer hours for children (supervision and implementation) of educational workshops and value-instilling programs Implementation of volunteer opportunities

Branches + Red Crescent

09:00:00 08/10/2020

Seniors Services Forum

The forum aims to exchange experiences with international bodies regarding empowerment initiatives and programs that achieve the effective participation of the elderly.

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