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Sharjah Social Department cooperates with Emirates National Facilities Management to support its beneficiaries during crises and disasters

The Sharjah Social Services Department, represented by the Social Cohesion Department, signed a “Safety Network” agreement with the Emirates National Facilities Management Company, which aims to provide social support and solidarity with the department’s beneficiaries as they are priority cases for social care and raise their

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Ajman University signs a memorandum of understanding with Sharjah Social Society to train students and provide them with knowledge and professional skills

Ajman University has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, with the aim of enhancing cooperation, joint coordination and field training for students, in addition to cooperation in the fields of innovation and creativity, which will enhance social and community work. This cooperation comes as a result of

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Sharjah Voluntary Work Center participates in the Sharjah Social Affairs Department’s “UAE with you, Lebanon” campaign

Sharjah Voluntary Work Center participated in the "Sharjah Social" campaign "The Emirates is with you, Lebanon" to provide support and humanitarian aid to the Lebanese people. This campaign comes under the directives of the President of the State, and the campaign was held in response to the invitation of "Sharjah Charity" at the University of Sharjah, with the participation of the

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Distribution of souvenirs to beneficiaries of social assistance at the Sharjah Social Department in commemoration of Flag Day

The Sharjah Social Services Department, represented by the Social Assistance Department, organized a special event on the occasion of Flag Day, embodying the values ​​of loyalty and belonging to the homeland, and keen to enhance national values ​​in the souls of generations, and increase community cohesion. The event included field visits

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"You are our paradise" gift for 2000 senior citizens

The Sharjah Social Services Department has been accustomed to launching its “You Are Our Paradise” project annually, coinciding with the International Day of Older Persons on October 1st, and continuing from October 10st-60th. The project targets all beneficiaries of the department’s services from the elderly category aged XNUMX years and above, and falls under the category of

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Sharjah Social Affairs organizes the first edition of the members’ exhibition

Sharjah Social organized the first edition of the members' exhibition for members of Wahat Al Rushd, who are people with disabilities and mental illnesses. The exhibition is the result of the rehabilitation training workshops they underwent in a previous period. The exhibition aims to engage participants in interactive activities that enhance their integration into

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Sharjah Social Celebrates World Mental Health Day

The Department of Social Services in Sharjah organized a symposium in celebration of World Mental Health Day, under the slogan "Mental Health in the Workplace", at the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship and Ports Security Theater in Sharjah, with the participation of a group of specialized and interested academics.

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