The “Life After Retirement” study, which was conducted by the Knowledge Department at the Department of Social Services in Sharjah, on a deliberate random sample, consisting of 125 retirees (40-70 years old) from various regions of the country, recommended establishing an investment fund targeting employees during their period of service, provided that The fund is managed by one of the government financial agencies, with the aim of encouraging employees to contribute to this investment fund and invest in good income during the post-retirement work period, as no returns or dividends on the employee’s shares are disbursed until after retirement, which represents a source of support for income after leaving the job, including It reduces the financial crises facing the employee after retirement due to the gap between pre-retirement income and post-retirement income. An electronic platform for retirees. The study also recommended creating a special website for retirees or a social platform that attracts retirees with continuous giving to invest their energies and to benefit from their practical and intellectual experiences, and to present their ideas and initiatives that could contribute to the development of social, economic and health projects in all fields. Annual Forum The recommendations called for organizing an annual forum for retirees to present the experiences and successful experiences of retirees and to spread knowledge among individuals and retirees about ways to invest their time in order to avoid the retiree being isolated from life after leaving routine work. In addition to organizing volunteer opportunities for them in various institutions to perform some community services, after training and qualifying retirees specialized in the field of human sciences to work as consultants to provide social consultations for children and families, which represents the best use of the life and humanitarian experiences of retirees for the benefit of society, the family and the child. Activating institutions: Among the prominent recommendations is the need to pay attention to psychological rehabilitation programs and life skills for employees approaching retirement to prepare them psychologically to deal with the changes at that stage, and to strive towards activating the role and services of associations concerned with retirees to push them towards carrying out their roles in supporting retirees, especially in implementing programs and activities to improve opportunities for active retirement. These studies come, according to Dr. Jassim Al Hammadi, Director of Knowledge Management, because the issue of the elderly and their retirement is one of the issues that occupies and worries a large sector of all societies because it is a stage that everyone in the formal labor market will move to sooner or later, and this importance is linked to the change that the retiree faces. Many of the lifestyle, social, health, psychological, and economic patterns that an individual has been accustomed to for many years, and their incidence rates increase with age, especially since quite a few studies that have dealt with the problems of aging have proven that among the changes that accompany this stage are those related to life satisfaction, which is represented by: Psychological clarity and happiness. He continued by explaining, from this standpoint, the importance of the study comes due to the results it addresses in describing the current situation of retirees, and the proposed vision through which a transformation can be achieved to the concept of positive aging, which many policies and programs aim for. That positivity is certainly linked to the individual’s practices after retirement, It is a way to achieve positive participation of retirees to overcome social, psychological, and perhaps economic problems. Al-Hammadi pointed out that the aim of the study - which is one of the few studies that examine retirees’ issues at the Arab level - is to identify the conditions of retirees with their new life after retirement from all economic, social and psychological aspects and the adequacy of income after retirement and the retirees’ evaluation of health and security services after retirement. Decrease in income: Through analyzing the problems facing retirees, about 90.4% indicated that the most common problem facing retirees is the decrease in retirement income compared to pre-retirement income. Also, about 35.2% of retirees faced the problem of feeling empty and declining activity, while about 31.2% mentioned a problem. Poor job opportunities for retirees despite their ability to work. The average monthly salary a year before retirement was (26044.5) dirhams, and it decreased after retirement to an average estimated at (19992.3) dirhams, meaning that the current income after retirement has decreased compared to the salary of the last month before retirement by about 23.25%. The pension salary for women represented about 57.2% of the pension salary for men, while the expected income to achieve living sufficiency was about (31252.2) dirhams per month. Which means that the current income represents only about 64% of the desired income to achieve sufficiency. Nearly 70% of the study sample indicated that their pension is largely insufficient or relatively insufficient. The decision to retire is personal. The study showed that the decision to retire was personal for about 33.9% of them, and about 28.2% indicated that it was due to their health condition, while about 25% retired because they had reached retirement age. The study showed that about 48% of the sample did not have permanent health insurance, compared to 39.2% who had permanent health insurance, and 12.8% who had partial health insurance. 44% of the sample did not have any chronic diseases, while the chronic diseases of about 56% of the sample of retirees varied between joint pain, rheumatism, poor vision, hearing loss, and other chronic diseases. About 78.4% of retirees do not have any contact with them from any of the retirement funds.